About Jenny Deitz, MA, LMFT Supervisor
Owner/Senior Clinician

Meet your needs in this space.

It can be unnerving to reach out to someone for help. So often, we play it all under the radar, remaining low-key about all the plates we keep spinning and the pressure to hold them up in the air daily.

We live with the idea that even a moment’s pause for rest could send all those plates tumbling to the ground, causing everyone to turn and look the way they do at a restaurant when a waiter loses their balance with a tray. We can never be that person and can never lose our footing. Being needed is alright, but never needy.

I am known for saying, “There’s a practical logic that often exists outside of the therapy room.” Maintaining professionalism or “put-togetherness” in much of our daily demands is somewhat of a survival skill. But it’s from that very place that I invite you into our work together.

Therapy is being open about your emotions.

Therapy gets to be different. There are no plates to uphold, no images to maintain, and no need to feel suppressed. It’s a sacred space where you can exist in ways that seem impossible outside the room. But that same space begins to trickle outward in your life.

These conversations we have are powerful. We take these hardened paradigms of perfectionism and “shoulds” and watch them transform into a life of freedom and fulfillment.

What we once held within the walls of our appointments is now a way of life that reconnects you with the truth of being worthy of love and acceptance, regardless of when the plates fall.

Hello, I’m Jenny!

If I’m being honest (which I am), I must tell you what a privilege it is to have the career I do. I started this practice in 2012 to hold a space that would allow people to be seen and known in a way that connects them to their inherent worth and value, and each year that passes only serves to bring more profound gratitude for each client’s journey and their willingness to allow me to be a part of it.

Those I’ve worked with would likely tell you I have a way of being goofy. I am known to have a somewhat silly side, which probably played a role in being my high school’s mascot many years ago.

Dancing around in a giant Wildcat suit at football games in Texas heat will likely never leave my memory bank, but these days my silliness comes out more with my three sons and challenging them to kitchen dance parties or games of “Cheese Touch” (modern-day “Cooties”).

My husband and I are college sweethearts who once competed against each other in a Halloween costume contest. That’s probably another story for another day, but the most important detail is that I won.

All in all, though, I’m a natural person who wants to do real work with you. I’ll show up if you will – let’s get started.